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A fair amount has been written recently questioning the value added of theories of change. Have we gone through a hype cycle? Are they…
Triple loop learning
As we start a new year, and especially, as 2021 is the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, understanding that the Worst Forms of Child Labour (WFCL) is complex is step one – there are no simple solutions. But we must go deeper than that, we must ensure that the programmes designed to intervene, and shape policy take on that complexity and precariousness. This is where the experience of the Child Labour: Action-Research-Innovation in South and South-Eastern Asia (CLARISSA)...
When asserting the value of theory-based methods, you often here words like “black boxes” and “causal mechanisms.” These are commonly…
In this final blog in the series, I want to look at the potential value of rubrics. While evaluability assessments can help us to…
In my last blog on theory-based Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL), I explained why relationships matter, and how to assess change…
Effective partnership working is crucial to producing quality results, especially when working with complex problems such as the worst forms...
Written by Toby Lowe and Shaheen Warren (Centre for Public Impact) and Sam Sharp (Overseas Development Institute), with input from Jamie…
What can adaptive approaches from other sectors teach development practitioners about dealing with uncertainty?
The term After Action Review (AAR) is becoming more common in the world of development evaluation, particularly in programmes that focus on evaluation as a formative learning process. As structured and facilitated learning moments, AARs take many shapes always built to support a specific team in a specific moment on their journey. Across such a diversity of practice how do we understand the evolution of the AAR as a method with an action research orientation? Being mindful always of the...
A-ha! A moment etched in my memory: 20 or so researchers were...
A recent conversation with a good governance programme in Myanmar tried to identify its underlying rules of thumb. Was that a good idea?
For two months in the Spring of 2020, the Office of Local Sustainability’s Evidence and Learning Team invited staff from across USAID to join us in exploring how the Agency approaches its generation and use of evidence from the perspective of locally led development. Our seven-part Standards of Evidence for Locally Led Development series brought together eight expert presenters and more than 670 participants to engage in conversations ranging from scientific research to complexity-aware...
Agile, lean startup and human-centred design can be an answer — if you’re asking the right questions
Monitoring and Evaluation needs to be different to support the new generation of 'adaptive programmes' in aid. 4 M&E specialists in Tanzania explain how.
A smart new report explores how a good idea - theories of change - is distorted by the way it is implemented in the aid sector
How can we balance our need to respond to a crisis with our long-term goals for systemic change?
Review of a new book that explores the 'secret sauce' of Coalitions for Change - an unusually successful governance programme in the Philippines
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (10)
- Adaptive Management (37)
- Adaptive Rigour (3)
- Agile & Lean approaches (21)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (4)
- Design Thinking / HCD (3)
- Doing Development Differently (9)
- Human Learning Systems (1)
- Implementation Research (1)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (1)
- Other Adaptive approaches (5)
Other sectors
- Military (2)
- Organizational Management (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (9)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (2)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (3)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (21)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (11)
- Cases (2)
- Courses (1)
Development Actors Perspectives
- DFAT (Australia) (4)
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (4)
- Irish Aid (2)
- NGO Perspectives (2)
- Private Donors (OSF, Hewlett...) (1)
- UNDP, UN Global Pulse, UN... (3)
- USAID (1)
Eastern Africa
- South Sudan (1)
West Africa
- Mali (1)
Eastern Africa
South America
- Colombia (1)
South America
Eastern Asia
- China (1)
Southern Asia
- Bangladesh (1)
Eastern Asia
- Oceania (1)
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- After Action Reviews (1)
- Appreciative Inquiry (2)
- Capacity Development (1)
- Case Study (1)
- Causal Mechanisms (2)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (1)
- Contribution Analysis (2)
- Critical Friends (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (3)
- Democratic Evaluation (1)
- Developmental Evaluation (2)
- Empowerment Evaluation (2)
- Ex-post Evaluation (1)
- Feedback Systems (1)
- Horizontal Evaluation (1)
- Impact evaluation (1)
- Innovation History (1)
- Institutional Histories (1)
- Knowledge Management (2)
- Logical Framework (1)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (3)
- MEL Bricolage (1)
- MEL in International Development (5)
- Most Significant Change (1)
- Network Analysis (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (1)
- Outcome Mapping (4)
- Participatory Action Research (1)
- Participatory Evaluation (3)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (2)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (1)
- Peers/Peer-Group Review (1)
- Portfolio Management (4)
- Positive Deviance (2)
- Process Tracing (1)
- Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (1)
- Realist Evaluation (1)
- Rigour (2)
- Rubrics (7)
- Rules of Thumb (2)
- SenseMaker (2)
- Social Return on Investment (2)
- Success Case Method (3)
- Sustainability (1)
- Systemic Change (6)
- Systems Mapping (3)
- Theory-based evaluations (1)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (10)
- Trust-based evaluation (/philanthropy /learning) (1)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (1)
- Value for Investment (3)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (9)
- Tools (1)
Sectors [+]
- Alternative Development (15)
- Cash Trasfers (1)
- Citizen Engagement (6)
- Governance and Accountability (15)
- Innovation (in Development) (9)
- Institutional Capacity & Change (2)
- Knowledge to Practice (3)
- Locally driven development (3)
- NGOs (3)
- Organizational Change (2)
- Peace Building (2)
- Scaling up / Propagating (1)
- Social Accountability (10)
- Social Protection (1)
- Technology (in Development) (1)