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The focus of this book is on how experts adapt to complexity, synthesize and interpret information in context, and transform or "fuse" disparate items of information into coherent knowledge. The chapters examine these processes across experts (e.g. global leaders, individuals in extreme environments, managers, police officers, pilots, commanders, doctors, inventors), across contexts (e.g. space and space analogs, corporate organizations, command and control, crisis and crowd management, air...
“Accountability” has become a buzzword in international development. Development actors appear to delight in announcing their intention to “promote accountability”—but it is often unclear what accountability is and how it can be promoted. This book addresses some questions that are crucial to understanding accountability and for understanding why accountability is important to improve the effectiveness of development aid. We ask: What does it mean to make governments accountable to their...
When accountability is understood as reporting on pre-deined deliverables, it is often considered to be irreconcilable with learning. This conventional wisdom inhibits an appreciation of their connection. In this chapter, Irene Guijt exposes the laws and traps in reasoning that keep accountability and learning apart. She provides practitioners with principles and basic good ideas that open up prospects for accountability and learning to complement each other.
Over the last decades, the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) has become universally known and has assumed a key role for planning and managing development interventions. LFA, however, is not uncontroversial and the approach has been subject to criticism, concerning both its theoretical foundations and practical use. Despite these criticisms LFA’s position has not been fundamentally weakened and while many donors acknowledge its limits and weaknesses, they maintain (some would say impose) its...
This chapter provides a detailed introduction to critical systems heuristics and the use of its central tool boundary critique. What Is CSH? Two Studies in Applying CSH Using CSH as an Intervention Tool: Some Basic Concepts A Core Concept of CSH: Systematic Boundary Critique Boundary Critique Applied to NRUA-Botswana Boundary Critique Applied to ECOSENSUS-Guyana Boundary Critique and Personal Competence Recognising Boundary Judgements – and Keeping Them Fluid Towards a New Ethos of Professional Responsibility
This paper provides a 30 year retrospective on the development of the adaptive management system for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (Australia). It describes the historical background, key influences and stages that paved the way to establishment of adaptive management. It outlines how effectiveness monitoring, evaluation and reporting are integrated with the management plan for the Area to establish an ongoing adaptive management cycle. The chapter presents figures and tools...
CABUNGO, a Malawian NGO, recently evaluated its own performance using the Most Significant Change approach. Rebecca Wrigley describes how, with the support of stakeholders,CABUNGO learned to improve its services.
Natural resource professionals should know whether or not they are doing an effective job of managing natural resources. Their decision-making process should produce the kind of results desired by the public, elected officials, and their agencies’ leadership. With billions of dollars spent each year on managing natural resources, accountability is more important than ever. Producing results is the key to success. Managers must have the necessary data to make enlightened decisions during...
This is the third book in the Jossey–Bass Reader series, Organization Development: A Jossey–Bass Reader. This collection will introduce the key thinkers and contributors in organization development including Ed Lawler, Peter Senge, Chris Argyris, Richard Hackman, Jay Galbraith, Cooperrider, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Bolman & Deal, Kouzes & Posner, and Ed Schein, among others. "Without reservations I recommend this volume to those students of organizational behavior who want an encyclopedia...
In the beginning, there were methods. For many of us in the circle of enthusiasts of participatory approaches in the early 1990s, maps and models, calendars and Venn diagrams, matrices and rankings and the interactions and insights they produced defined what we did and what we had in common. It was this, too, that made participatory rural appraisal (PRA) – and rapid rural appraisal (RRA) before it – something that was very different from anything we’d known before. PRA bridged barriers that...
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (1)
- Adaptive Management (7)
- Agile & Lean approaches (1)
- Capacity WORKS (1)
- Design Thinking / HCD (10)
- Doing Development Differently (2)
- Implementation Research (1)
Other sectors
- Military (1)
- Organizational Management (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (1)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (2)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (2)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (8)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (2)
- Cases (5)
Development Actors Perspectives
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- NGO Perspectives (2)
- Central Africa (1)
Eastern Africa
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Central America
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- North America (1)
Central America
Eastern Asia
- China (2)
Eastern Asia
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Appreciative Inquiry (1)
- Contribution Analysis (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (1)
- Knowledge Management (1)
- Logical Framework (1)
- MEL in International Development (1)
- Most Significant Change (1)
- Participatory Evaluation (1)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (2)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (2)
- Political Economy Analysis (1)
- Political Settlements Analysis (1)
- Sense-making (1)
- Systems Mapping (1)
Sectors [+]
- Alternative Development (4)
- Citizen Engagement (5)
- Environmental Management (4)
- Governance and Accountability (4)
- Knowledge to Practice (3)
- Locally driven development (1)
- Peace Building (1)
- Private Sector Development (1)
- Rural development (1)
- Scaling up / Propagating (1)
- Social Accountability (1)
- Technology (in Development) (2)