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Results 46 resources
My focus here is on the realities of evaluating in complexity where ‘nothing is clear, and everything keeps changing’. I outline how I use a series of ‘provocations’ that allow people to choose their own starting point. Sharing those choices fuels conversations that discover, explore, and co-create (rather than manage) our mutual expectations and assumptions and track how these might themselves be influenced by the work as it unfolds. This account draws on a review of literature and my...
Trust-based philanthropy is a holistic approach that requires alignment in a grantmaking organization’s four interrelated areas: 1) culture, 2) structure, 3) leadership, and 4) practices. This tool is designed to help funders at various stages of the trust-based journey examine how trust shows up across your organization, and identify areas that may need more inquiry, refinement, or deepening. This is intended as a reflection tool rather than a prescriptive tool.
Capturing the impact of community-led work The Centre for Public Impact, Dusseldorp Forum, and Hands Up Mallee have been exploring how stories can be used to more effectively communicate the impact of community-led systems change work. Community-led place based initiatives are modelling new ways of working - shifting away from top down, program-focussed approaches towards an approach grounded in systems thinking and community-led innovations. However, while these stories of change are...
The Outcomes Stars are a suite of evidence-based outcomes measurement and keywork tools, which drive an ‘enabling help’ approach to service delivery. They support a person-centred, collaborative and trauma informed approach and give service users, workers, managers and commissioners vital information about needs and progress. Since the first version was published in 2006, the unique features of the Outcomes Star contributed to its popularity and widespread use, with over 1,000 organisations...
This document is a an Introductory Toolkit for for civil servants. It is one component of a suite of documents that aims to act as a springboard into systems thinking for civil servants unfamiliar with this approach. These documents introduce a small sample of systems thinking concepts and tools, chosen due to their accessibility and alignment to civil service policy development, but which is by no means comprehensive. They are intended to act as a first step towards using systems thinking...
USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) and its support mechanism, LEARN, have developed a Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Framework and Maturity tool to help USAID missions think more deliberately about how to plan for and implement CLA approaches that fit the mission’s context and assist them in achieving their development objectives. While the tool is intended primarily for USAID audiences to be used in participatory self-assessment workshops, the CLA Framework...
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Action Inquiry/Collective Leadership (2)
- After Action Reviews (2)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (1)
- Capacity Development (2)
- Causal Mechanisms (1)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (1)
- Context Monitoring (1)
- Contribution Analysis (1)
- Critical Friends (2)
- Desk based research/lit review (1)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (1)
- Evaluating Multi-project programmes (1)
- Ex-post Evaluation (1)
- Feedback Systems (1)
- Impact Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation System (1)
- MEL Bricolage (1)
- MEL in International Development (11)
- Most Significant Change (1)
- Narrative Based Approaches (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (1)
- Participatory Action Research (2)
- Political Settlements Analysis (1)
- Portfolio Management (4)
- Process Tracing (3)
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (1)
- Realist Evaluation (1)
- Rubrics (3)
- Scenario Planning (1)
- SenseMaker (2)
- Strategy testing (1)
- Systemic Change (11)
- Systems Mapping (3)
- Theory-based evaluations (1)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (2)
- Trust-based evaluation (/philanthropy /learning) (1)
- Adaptive Approaches [+] (30)
- Cases (7)
Development Actors Perspectives
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (5)
- Irish Aid (1)
- NGO Perspectives (2)
- UNDP, UN Global Pulse, UN... (2)
- USAID (3)
- Central Africa (2)
Eastern Africa
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- Somalia (1)
- South Sudan (1)
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West Africa
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- Niger (1)
- Nigeria (1)
- Sierra Leone (1)
Central America
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- Guatemala (1)
South America
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Central America
South-eastern Asia
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Southern Asia
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- Nepal (3)
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Western Asia
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- State of Palestine (1)
South-eastern Asia
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Northern Europe
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Sectors [+]
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- Economic development (1)
- Fragile and Conflict Aflicted Settings (1)
- Gender (2)
- Governance and Accountability (3)
- Health (2)
- Humanitarian Aid (1)
- Innovation (in Development) (1)
- Peace Building (2)
Resource type
- Blog Post (5)
- Book (1)
- Book Section (1)
- Journal Article (7)
- Magazine Article (1)
- Presentation (1)
- Radio Broadcast (1)
- Report (28)
- Video Recording (1)