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This article offers initial insights into the overlap, positioning, shared values, and convergences between RenDanHeYi compared to agile practices.
Social change takes time, and it is never a linear process. It also happens within an ecosystem, and rarely comes down to a single grantee partner or foundation. If we […]
For AC practitioners, systems mapping is essential but also difficult. To lessen obstacles, Peter Woodrow proposes a scaffolded approach. An Experiment in “Fast Forwarding” Drawing upon our near-decade work on corruption, we recently decided to try an experiment: we would present “common patterns” of corruption as tentative models to adapt and add to—rather than try to teach people to do systems mapping from scratch. In this teaching experiment, each common pattern would function as a kind...
There are a number of options when it comes to using software to help create a logic model. These range from generic word processing tools (Word, Powerpoint, or their Google Doc or Mac equivalents), to software that has been specifically tailored for visualising Theories of Change, like TOCO or Miradi. You should consider what resources you have to invest in software, both in terms of cost and in time to learn and use the features. If you only have a short timeframe and have simple needs,...
How can donors and grantees work together to create effective monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) practices that drive field-wide transformation?
In a previous post we reflected on how a key learning from our “project to portfolio” journey to date is that it is ultimately about mustering the organizational will to transform. If the early days of our innovation work were about demonstrating results quickly and creating space for experimentation, now the challenge is of a different order. Eventually this means helping UNDP transition to a different value proposition and business model, as eloquently articulated by Gerd Trogemann: “No...
A model I've been using a lot recently, to bring systems thinking to life, is the Berkana Two Loop model. It doesn't describe complexity or systems thinking. But it does describe systems change in a way that's simple and oriented to action.
In this blog we are sharing a digest of some of the many useful and innovative monitoring, evaluation and learning resources and efforts that have come through the M&E Sandbox in 2022. A lot of these resources have been shared by our community in response to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the launch of the Sandbox (please keep them coming!). We hope you find it useful. We have grouped these efforts and resources under six broad questions: - How do we measure systems...
On December 13, 2022, Social Impact hosted a webinar in our Evidence for Impact series, "Strengthen Your Team's CLA Practices: Introducing the CLA Maturity Tool for USAID Implementers." Through the session, we shared more about the origin and history of the USAID tool upon which this version is based, why and how we updated
Collaborative Learning — an approach which brings together people who face common challenges to share knowledge and jointly problem-solve — is a powerful way to support locally-led development and achieve impact. It provides a structured process in which change agents determine priorities, set the learning agenda, work together to identify strategies to address complex challenges, and provide ongoing implementation support to one another. Collaborative Learning — unlike traditional...
How a new approach to monitoring and evaluation can make sense of complex projects Building the foundation for results, sense-making and learning ‘Demonstrating real world impact can be an elusive holy grail for most NGO …
In her acclaimed study of effective cross-organizational teamwork, Harvard Business School Professor Amy C. Edmonson concluded that “trying things that...
Headed off recently to discuss the state of Thinking and Working Politically within the aid sector. This is a loose network of aid wonks that came together to try and move aid from a pure focus on technical issues, towards taking account of power and politics and why they can facilitate/frustrate attempts to make change happen in any given context. It was great to be in a room with others (50/50 in person and online) – the neurons fire in a way that just doesn’t happen online (but I also...
Great overview of what to read on adaptive management. It’s a long one, so I’ve split it into two – second installment tomorrow. Christian Aid Ireland’s recent publication The Difference Learning Makes by Stephen Gray and Andy Carl made a bit of a splash. The study found that Christian Aid Ireland’s application of adaptive programming contributed to better development outcomes and supported more flexible delivery. The much vaunted MUVA programme in Mozambique is also coming to a close and...
What might a different way of understanding rigour for work in complex adaptive systems look like?
By Søren Vester Haldrup, UNDP’s Strategic Innovation Unit
Institutional change is part of the theory of change of PDIA – scaling through the diffusion of new ways of thinking and greater problem-solving know-how. And once a community of practice reaches critical mass across an eco-system, a tipping point can happen where the eco-system becomes generally more open to novelty, where success is a more effective route to legitimacy, and where leadership is oriented towards value creation.
Inclusive and rigorous peacebuilding evaluation is both vital and complex. In this blog we share examples of how we are innovating our methodologies to move towards participatory and adaptive practice.
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (10)
- Adaptive Management (37)
- Adaptive Rigour (3)
- Agile & Lean approaches (21)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (4)
- Design Thinking / HCD (3)
- Doing Development Differently (9)
- Human Learning Systems (1)
- Implementation Research (1)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (1)
- Other Adaptive approaches (5)
Other sectors
- Military (2)
- Organizational Management (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (9)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (2)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (3)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (21)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (11)
- Cases (2)
- Courses (1)
Development Actors Perspectives
- DFAT (Australia) (4)
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (4)
- Irish Aid (2)
- NGO Perspectives (2)
- Private Donors (OSF, Hewlett...) (1)
- UNDP, UN Global Pulse, UN... (3)
- USAID (1)
Eastern Africa
- South Sudan (1)
West Africa
- Mali (1)
Eastern Africa
South America
- Colombia (1)
South America
Eastern Asia
- China (1)
Southern Asia
- Bangladesh (1)
Eastern Asia
- Oceania (1)
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- After Action Reviews (1)
- Appreciative Inquiry (2)
- Capacity Development (1)
- Case Study (1)
- Causal Mechanisms (2)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (1)
- Contribution Analysis (2)
- Critical Friends (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (3)
- Democratic Evaluation (1)
- Developmental Evaluation (2)
- Empowerment Evaluation (2)
- Ex-post Evaluation (1)
- Feedback Systems (1)
- Horizontal Evaluation (1)
- Impact evaluation (1)
- Innovation History (1)
- Institutional Histories (1)
- Knowledge Management (2)
- Logical Framework (1)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (3)
- MEL Bricolage (1)
- MEL in International Development (5)
- Most Significant Change (1)
- Network Analysis (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (1)
- Outcome Mapping (4)
- Participatory Action Research (1)
- Participatory Evaluation (3)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (2)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (1)
- Peers/Peer-Group Review (1)
- Portfolio Management (4)
- Positive Deviance (2)
- Process Tracing (1)
- Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (1)
- Realist Evaluation (1)
- Rigour (2)
- Rubrics (7)
- Rules of Thumb (2)
- SenseMaker (2)
- Social Return on Investment (2)
- Success Case Method (3)
- Sustainability (1)
- Systemic Change (6)
- Systems Mapping (3)
- Theory-based evaluations (1)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (10)
- Trust-based evaluation (/philanthropy /learning) (1)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (1)
- Value for Investment (3)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (9)
- Tools (1)
Sectors [+]
- Alternative Development (15)
- Cash Trasfers (1)
- Citizen Engagement (6)
- Governance and Accountability (15)
- Innovation (in Development) (9)
- Institutional Capacity & Change (2)
- Knowledge to Practice (3)
- Locally driven development (3)
- NGOs (3)
- Organizational Change (2)
- Peace Building (2)
- Scaling up / Propagating (1)
- Social Accountability (10)
- Social Protection (1)
- Technology (in Development) (1)