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This report considers the various conceptual and practical challenges in measuring the impact and value of programs designed to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE). It examines potential solutions and emphasizes the significance of efforts to assess changes in attitudes, behaviors, and relationships. The report was developed in tandem with “Taking Stock: Analytic Tools for Understanding and Designing P/CVE Programs” and seeks to help advance more rigor and sustainability in P/CVE programming.
Accountability Lab Liberia (ALab) and iLab Liberia established iCampus- a shared innovation, co-working and community space for organizations focusing on the intersection of technology, accountability and social change in Liberia. ALab implements DAI’s Learning activities at iCampus, and it is referred to as the Strategic Learning Partner of USAID Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI). LAVI is a five year USAID program with an overarching goal to strengthen multi-stakeholder...
Foundations involved in systems change can increase their odds for success by focusing on the least explicit but most powerful conditions for change, while also turning the lens on themselves. The Water of Systems Change aims to clarify what it means to shift these conditions. We offer the “inverted triangle” framework as an actionable model for funders and others interested in creating systems change, particularly those who are working to advance equity. Top Takeaways Systems change is...
Based on the “inverted triangle” framework presented in The Water of Systems Change, this activity is designed to help individuals think systemically about social change, explore what is happening below the surface on issues they care about, and determine how they and their organizations can pursue large-scale change in a disciplined and holistic manner. The exercise is divided into 3 parts: Part I uses the “inverted pyramid” introduced in The Water of Systems Change to perform an...
An overview of innovation methods and approaches we’ve come across in government innovation practice.
Developing useful theories of change (ToCs) for anintervention, especially complex interventions, is not straightforward nor something done in a couple of hourswith limited effort. Agreement is needed on a number of basic concepts and terms, key challenges need to be addressed, and there are numerous issues that need to be considered.Butthe effort is worth the investment of resources and time.Theory-based evaluation approaches need good ToCs.Some of the ideas here are discussed in the...
This guide presents the Kinnect Group’s approach to evaluation. Developed through ten years of collaborative work, it has been well tested. While there are many other guides to evaluation and different ways to do it, our approach emphasises the place of evaluative reasoning in evaluation. The guide draws on the work of many evaluation theorists, as well as our practice-based body of knowledge. We hope that using the building blocks as explained in the guide will help you in your endeavour to...
For the purposes of this report, a facility is defined as an aid delivery mechanism that provides flexible (adaptive and responsive) services managed in an integrated way. Objectives (or endof-facility outcomes) are specified, but the pathways to deliver them are left unspecified. The facility is a highly relevant model for delivering Australian aid effectively. Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals depends on flexible approaches that work across sectors and that integrate...
As DFID aims to harness the Data Revolution, ensuring that data1 drive decision-making, public accountability, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that systems, processes, and skills for data are aligned with these objectives is paramount. Across sector policy teams, country offices, and various analytical and technical cadres, different strengths and weaknesses, as well as needs and ambitions exist. To inform a strategic approach to data, as framed in...
The Alliance for Peacebuilding developed the report Snapshot of Adaptive Management in Peacebuilding Programs with support from Humanity United. This report examines how existing organizational programs are designing and learning from adaptive management in a conflict effected and fragile states. It further provides practical recommendations for applying adaptive management to peacebuilding programs based on synthesis … Continue reading "Snapshot of Adaptive Management in Peacebuilding Programs"
Drawing on action research, this paper recasts evaluation as ‘action inquiry’, an embedded evaluative learning practice that can help navigate complexity when enacting collective leadership. It is offered as an invitation to inquiry amongst a reasonably well-informed audience of policy makers and practitioners who work in and for public services. It will particularly interest those who provide research, evaluation and facilitation support, and those seeking to develop a more relational...
Successfully adapting your programmatic efforts and policy engagement to the context depends on maintaining your understanding of that context. Given this, continuous learning and feedback loops--not only about your programming, but also about the environment you are working within--are important components of USAID’s work. Since our environments are always changing, in ways big and small, this can be intimidating. One can imagine a scenario where learning consumes the limited time and...
This Discussion Note complements ADS 201 and outlines general principles and promising approaches for monitoring complex aspects of USAID development assistance. Complexity-aware monitoring is a type of complementary monitoring that is useful when results are difficult to predict due to dynamic contexts or unclear cause and-effect relationships. Key principles of the Program Cycle include applying analytic rigor, managing adaptively, and utilizing a range of approaches to achieve results....
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