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Results 869 resources
As efforts at driving change become more diffuse, involve more actors, and have more transformational goals, we need a radically different approach to thinking about and assessing effective advocacy. Clear answers, certain judgments, and simple tools won't result in good representations of reality. This brief proposes ideas for adjusting how we approach advocacy monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
This training package includes 7 Training Modules and a set of Annexes (Annexes A-O). The Training Modules build on each other and should ideally be used in a sequenced way in a training setting. However, for groups with specific training needs around particular areas, modules can also be used individually, but need to be tailored by the trainers and facilitators to meet the needs of specific audiences. The annexes provide worksheets and hand-outs that can be used as resources during the training for specific modules and exercises.
This report explains how public organizations can combine big data and thick data to transform public services delivery—a strategy called mixed analytics. Governments can greatly enhance the value of big data by combining it with “thick” data—rich qualitative information about users, such as their values, goals, and consumption behavior, obtained by observing or interacting with them in their daily lives. Big data holds great promise for improving public services delivery and innovation in...
Inclusive Social Accountability (p. 16)Counterpart International - 2019 - Counterpart International
Counterpart International’s Inclusive Social Accountability (ISA) developmental framework integrates elements of social inclusion and community accountability into one comprehensive approach.
This paper looks at a range of M&E innovations that are designed specifically to provide input to ongoing iterative decision-making and learning at the project level. It identifies three key areas for potential innovation: 1) timing of M&E data provision; 2) flexibility of M&E frameworks to evolve with programme change; and 3) approaches to integrate diverse perspectives on project implementation in a meaningful way. It then looks at a collection of approaches currently being used in each of...
Empowerment and Accountability in Difficult Settings: What Are We Learning? Key Messages Emerging from the Action for Empowerment and Accountability Programme Empowerment and accountability have long been part of the international development vocabulary and a core part of governance, social development and civil society programmes. Yet, much of what has been learnt about these approaches has been drawn from studies in somewhat stable, open and middle-income places around the world. Less is...
Case study about the MUVA programme in Mozambique. (Maybe it "misses the point of AP which is not learning for learning. Is learning for impact. The word impact doesn’t even come up once!") Adaptive Management programming within the Foreign & Commonwealth Development Office demonstrates that the UK Government has examples of optimising for learning within its existing management practice. However, currently, the adaptive management practices are unhelpfully framed by an approach which...
Place-based innovation ecosystems play a crucial role in driving local and regional economic development. This role has been documented and understood for over 40 years in industrialized economies but is only starting to be appreciated in the context of emerging and developing economies. However, the past several years have seen an intensification of interest in innovation ecosystems among global development actors as well as practitioners and policymakers working across the Global...
Using monitoring data to improve interventions is harder than it seems. Decision-makers are often busy implementing activities, unclear about their roles in data collection and analysis, and uncertain what data matters most or when. PRISMA, an AUD77 million agricultural Market Systems Development (MSD) programme funded by DFAT Australia, has encountered these challenges. With the programme completing its first five year phase, this case study shares ten key lessons divided into three...
On the Joint Programming Practices from the EU in fragile settings
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (44)
- Adaptive Management (178)
- Adaptive Rigour (4)
- Agile & Lean approaches (25)
- Capacity WORKS (3)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (27)
- Design Thinking / HCD (34)
- Doing Development Differently (12)
- Global Delivery Initiative (3)
- Human Learning Systems (1)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (12)
- Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (4)
- Other Adaptive approaches (9)
Other sectors
- Government (1)
- Military (2)
- Organizational Management (2)
- Philosophical roots (1)
- Software Development (25)
- Participation (4)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (15)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (18)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (6)
- Results Based Management (11)
- Systemcraft (1)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (77)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (47)
- Cases (115)
- Courses (8)
Development Actors Perspectives
- AFD (Agence Française de Développement) (1)
- Canada - GAC & IDRC (6)
- DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency (2)
- DCED - Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (6)
- Develpment Industry - Private Companies and ThinkTanks (8)
- DFAT (Australia) (9)
- EU (1)
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (40)
- G7 (1)
- GIZ (Germany) (14)
- Hivos - Netherlands (2)
- ILO (1)
- Irish Aid (2)
- KOICA (Korea's International Co-operation Agency) (1)
- New Zealand (1)
- NGO Perspectives (29)
- OECD/DAC - Results Based Management (13)
- Private Donors (OSF, Hewlett...) (6)
- SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (18)
- SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (5)
- UNDP, UN Global Pulse, UN... (6)
- USAID (28)
- World Bank (11)
Central Africa
- Angola (1)
- Cameroon (1)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (2)
Eastern Africa
- Ethiopia (2)
- Kenya (3)
- Malawi (2)
- Mozambique (8)
- Rwanda (2)
- Somalia (4)
- Somaliland (1)
- South Sudan (1)
- Tanzania (6)
- Uganda (3)
- Zambia (1)
- Zimbabwe (3)
- Northern Africa (2)
Southern Africa
- South Africa (3)
- West Africa (45)
Central Africa
Central America
- Ecuador (2)
- El Salvador (1)
- Guatemala (2)
- Mexico (4)
North America
- Canada (1)
- United States of America (2)
- South America (4)
Central America
Eastern Asia
- China (1)
South-eastern Asia
- Cambodia (1)
- Indonesia (3)
- Myanmar (6)
- Philippines (2)
- Thailand (1)
- Timor Leste (1)
Southern Asia
- Afghanistan (1)
- Bangladesh (12)
- India (2)
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- Pakistan (6)
- Sri Lanka (1)
Western Asia
- Israel (1)
- Jordan (1)
- Lebanon (1)
- State of Palestine (1)
- Syrian Arab Republic (1)
Eastern Asia
Northern Europe
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Southern Europe
- Spain (1)
Western Europe
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- Netherlands (1)
- Switzerland (1)
Northern Europe
- Many geographies (3)
- Australia and New Zealand (2)
- Melanesia (1)
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Action Inquiry/Collective Leadership (4)
- After Action Reviews (5)
- Appreciative Inquiry (1)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (8)
- Capacity Development (1)
- Case Study (4)
- Causal Mechanisms (3)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (1)
- Context Monitoring (2)
- Contribution Analysis (5)
- Critical Friends (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (3)
- Democratic Evaluation (2)
- Desk based research/lit review (2)
- Developmental Evaluation (8)
- Diaries (1)
- Empowerment Evaluation (1)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (2)
- Evaluability assessment (2)
- Evaluating Multi-project programmes (5)
- Ex-post Evaluation (3)
- Feedback Systems (3)
- Focus Group Discussions (1)
- Horizontal Evaluation (1)
- Impact evaluation (7)
- Impact Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation System (3)
- Indicator-based approaches (4)
- Innovation History (1)
- Innovation System Analysis (4)
- Institutional Histories (2)
- Knowing Unknowns (1)
- Knowledge Management (5)
- Logical Framework (5)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (3)
- MEL Bricolage (1)
- MEL in International Development (14)
- Most Significant Change (4)
- Narrative Based Approaches (2)
- Network Analysis (2)
- Outcome Harvesting (9)
- Outcome Mapping (18)
- Participatory Action Research (11)
- Participatory Evaluation (10)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (5)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (1)
- Peers/Peer-Group Review (2)
- Political Economy Analysis (12)
- Political Settlements Analysis (1)
- Portfolio Management (11)
- Positive Deviance (4)
- Post Project Evaluations (1)
- Process Tracing (3)
- Public Management Theory (1)
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (4)
- Qualitative data analysis and grounded theory (1)
- Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (3)
- Quality Improvement (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (8)
- Realist Evaluation (4)
- Remote Monitoring (1)
- Rigour (2)
- Rubrics (6)
- Scenario Planning (3)
- SenseMaker (4)
- Social Return on Investment (1)
- Stakeholder analysis (2)
- Stakeholder Feedback (2)
- Strategy testing (3)
- Success Case Method (1)
- Surveys (2)
- Sustainability (3)
- Systemic Change (26)
- Systems Mapping (4)
- Tech 4 MEL (4)
- Theory-based evaluations (4)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (32)
- Trust-based evaluation (/philanthropy /learning) (2)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (3)
- Value for Investment (4)
- Value for Money (7)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (23)
- Tools (14)
Sectors [+]
- Advocacy and Activism (6)
- Agriculture (2)
- Alternative Development (39)
- Behavioural Change (4)
- Cash Trasfers (1)
- Children (8)
- Citizen Engagement (14)
- Climate Change (5)
- Combatting violent extremism (3)
- Economic development (12)
- Education (4)
- Employment (1)
- Environmental Management (11)
- Fragile and Conflict Aflicted Settings (12)
- Gender (9)
- Governance and Accountability (83)
- Health (4)
- Humanitarian Aid (9)
Innovation (in Development)
- Funding (1)
- Institutional Capacity & Change (17)
- Institutional Reform (5)
- Judicial systems (3)
- Knowledge to Practice (14)
- Locally driven development (17)
- NGOs (22)
- Organizational Change (9)
- Pastoralism (1)
- Peace Building (6)
- Philanthropy (3)
- Scaling up / Propagating (18)
- Social Accountability (65)
- Technology (in Development) (19)
- Waste Management (1)
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1970 and 1979 (2)
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1989 (1)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (11)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (56)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (589)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (207)
- Unknown (3)