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This paper captures lessons from recent experiences on using ‘theories of change’ amongst organisations involved in the research–policy interface. The literature in this area highlights much of the complexity inherent in the policymaking process, as well as the challenges around finding meaningful ways to measure research uptake. As a tool, ‘theories of change’ offers much, but the paper argues that the very complexity and dynamism of the research-to-policy process means that any theory of...
Outcome mapping (OM) is a methodology for planning, monitoring and evaluating development initiatives in order to bring about sustainable social change. As the name suggests, its niche is understanding outcomes; the so-called ‘missing-middle’ or ‘black box’ of results that emerge downstream from the initiative’s activities but upstream from longer-term economic, environmental, political or demographic changes. At the planning stage, the process of outcome mapping helps a project team or...
One of our most popular publications, this brief, produced in collaboration with ORS Impact, summarizes 10 theories grounded in social science about how policy change happens. The theories can help to untangle beliefs and assumptions about the inner workings of the policymaking process and identify causal connections supported by research to explain how and why a change may or may not occur. Advocates of all stripes seek changes in policy as a way to achieve impact at a scale and degree of...
This article from Robert Picciotto provides an overview of democratic evaluation, particularly with reference to its use in the European Union context. "Can evaluation strengthen the democratic process? Specifically can it help fill the democratic deficit (limited transparency; weak bureaucratic accountability, etc.) often ascribed to the European Union? First and foremost, evaluators operating in the European space should be committed to the ethical and democratic values of the European...
This AEA365 blog, written by Lee-Anne Molony a Principal Consultant at Clear Horizon, provides a brief overview on Collaborative Outcomes Reporting (COR).
This paper argues that within-project variations in design can serve as their own counterfactual, reducing the incremental cost of evaluation and increasing the direct usefulness of evaluation to implementing agencies. It suggests combining monitoring (‘M’), structured experiential learning (‘e’), and evaluation (‘E’) so as to facilitate innovation and organisational capability building while also providing accountability …
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women ended its 57th session on 15 March 2013 with an outcome document affirming the importance of eliminating violence against women (VAW). The Commission was unable, however, to achieve consensus on a global action plan. The negative reaction of some UN member states to an action plan is a worrying reminder of ongoing resistance to reform. These persistent challenges highlight the continuing struggle to gain a serious global commitment to...
For organizations committed to social change, advocacy often figures as a crucial strategic element. How to assess effectiveness in advocacy is, therefore, important. The usefulness of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in advocacy are subject to much current debate. Advocacy staff, MEL professionals, senior managers, the funding community, and stakeholders of all kinds are searching for ways to improve practices – and thus their odds of success – in complex and contested advocacy...
This report summarises the presentations and discussions of the Conference ‘Impact evaluation. Taking stock and looking ahead’, which took place in Wageningen on March 25 and 26, 2013. The Conference was organised and funded by the Centre for
Utilization-Focused Evaluation begins with the premise that evaluations should be judged by their utility and actual use; therefore, evaluators should facilitate the evaluation process and design any evaluation with careful consideration of how everything that is done, from beginning to end, will affect use. Use concerns how real people in the real world apply evaluation findings and experience and learn from the evaluation process. The checklist is based on Essentials of Utilization-Focused...
Ramírez, R., & Brodhead, D. (2013). Utilization focused evaluation: A primer for evaluators. Penang, Malaysia: Southbound. Retrieved from This book, authored by Ricardo Ramírez and Dal Brodhead, is designed to support evaluators and program managers implement Utilization-focused evaluation (UFE). It includes detailed discussion of the 12 steps for implementing UFE and also provides a number of case...
Live demonstration (view in HD) of a new online measures dashboard site ( that allows users of the Miradi Adaptive Management software ( to share the progress they are making towards achieving their desired results
Health systems around the world are implementing integrated care strategies to improve quality, reduce or maintain costs, and improve the patient experience. Yet few practical tools exist to aid leaders and managers in building the prerequisites to integrated care, namely a shared vision, clear roles and responsibilities, and a common understanding of how the vision will be realized. Outcome mapping may facilitate stakeholder alignment on the vision, roles, and processes of integrated care...
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Causal Mechanisms (1)
- Democratic Evaluation (1)
- Impact evaluation (1)
- Indicator-based approaches (2)
- Most Significant Change (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (2)
- Outcome Mapping (3)
- Participatory Action Research (1)
- Political Economy Analysis (1)
- Rubrics (1)
- Stakeholder Feedback (1)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (2)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (2)
- Value for Investment (1)
- Adaptive Approaches [+] (2)
- Cases (2)
Development Actors Perspectives
- NGO Perspectives (1)
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- Advocacy and Activism (1)
- Gender (1)
- Governance and Accountability (1)
- Knowledge to Practice (1)
- NGOs (1)
- Scaling up / Propagating (1)
- Social Accountability (2)
Resource type
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- Journal Article (2)
- Report (11)
- Video Recording (1)