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According to the Paris Declaration and the 2030 Agenda, ownership is a prerequisite for effective development cooperation. How can the principle of ownership be promoted in today’s complex development cooperation, in which the numbers of actors have increased? This is the subject of the Expert Group for Aid Studies report Seeking balanced ownership in changing development cooperation relationships. The report contains two country case studies – on Liberia and Rwanda – as well as interviews...
The Asia Pacific region has the highest numbers of both slavery and child labour victims in the world. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that 16.5 million and 8.4 million persons were in situations of forced labour and forced marriage respectively in Asia Pacific, among 40.3 million in modern slavery globally (ILO & Walk Free Foundation 2017). Although there is a growing body of research and evaluations on specific sub-sectors and interest in the worst forms of labour...
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of Sida’s management of the market systems development (MSD) approach. It aims to inform thinking on how Sida can best manage its growing portfolio of MSD programs. Beyond this, it provides insights relevant to Sida’s wider support to complex and adaptive programs. The evaluation identified several factors that affect Sida’s ability to ensure that conducive conditions are in place for effective MSD programs and good development programming...
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of Sida’s management of the market systems development (MSD) approach. It aims to inform thinking on how Sida can best manage its growing portfolio of MSD programs. Beyond this, it provides insights relevant to Sida’s wider support to complex and adaptive programs. The evaluation identified several factors that affect Sida’s ability to ensure that conducive conditions are in place for effective MSD programs and good development programming...
This volume is the last in a series of papers about systems approaches in complex environments, which includes the use of the collective impact model to address large-scale social problems, and the application of participant-driven MEL techniques across 17 networks of civil society organizations. It is based on the experiences of Root Change and Chemonics, two development partners working on a USAID civic engagement project in Nigeria (2013-2018), as well as hundreds of civil society...
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) of tomorrow is one in which the Agency enables partner countries to plan, resource, and manage their own development through strengthened capacity and commitment — this is the essence of the Journey to Self-Reliance. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, the Agency obligated over 80 percent of its programmatic funding — a total of $17 billion — through acquisition and assistance (A&A) mechanisms. Partnering and procurement are central to how we do...
This paper examines adaptive approaches to aid programming in Nigeria. Through field research and desk reviews, we have investigated some of the assertions around the ‘adaptive management and programming’ approach, which has arisen in recent years as a response to critiques of overly rigid, pre-designed, blueprint and linear project plans. This is the second of three case studies in a series which explore if and how adaptive approaches, including rapid learning and planning responses, are...
How digital technologies are shaping democratic information flow in Sub-Saharan Africa
The institutions and power relations that underpin political stability are crucial shapers of development outcomes, to which aid policy ought to adapt. • This paper trials a new political settlements concept, based on the idea that settlements can be distinguished according to the breadth and depth of their social foundation, and the degree to which they concentrate power. • Since independence, Tanzania has oscillated between broad-dispersed and narrow-concentrated political settlements and...
(Spanish version of he PDIA toolkit) The PDIAtoolkit is designed to guide you through the process of solving complex problems which requires working in teams. We call it a Do-it-Yourself (DIY) kit, where the ‘you’ is a committed team of 4-6 people mobilized to work together to solve a complex problem that cannot be solved by one person.
The PDIAtoolkit is designed to guide you through the process of solving complex problems which requires working in teams. We call it a Do-it-Yourself (DIY) kit, where the ‘you’ is a committed team of 4-6 people mobilized to work together to solve a complex problem that cannot be solved by one person.
Internal DFID document from the DevAdapt Programme. Based on another previous document (also internal).
This guide is intended for: people planning communications activity on behalf of agile teams people doing the communications activity (especially blogging, presenting, or filmmaking) people who manage the people described above, who want to understand what they're doing and why The government service standard encourages teams to work in the open as much as possible, echoing item 10 in the government design principles, “make things open, it makes them better”. This guide was written to help teams do just that.
This paper assesses the relevance of adaptive or trial-and-error approaches to the field of governance, peace building and human rights. Tackling the problems of poverty, vulnerability and exclusion that persist in parts of the world that continue to be affected by violence or political insecurity is difficult for several reasons. For one, because of the complexity of the prevailing social, economic and political systems, solutions to chronic problems are far from obvious. One response to...
Summary In 2016-17, the Department for International Development (DFID) spent £1.4 billion, or 14% of its budget, through commercial suppliers on contracts ranging from school construction to family planning services and the delivery of humanitarian aid. The quality of its procurement and contract management – how it engages and manages commercial firms to support the delivery of aid programmes on time, to budget and at the appropriate quality – is a key driver of value for money for UK...
Integrating Food Security and Wild Caught Fisheries Management in USAID Programming is an illustrative case example that demonstrates how two adaptive management programming tools—situation models and results chains—can help USAID staff and its partners to better design and implement activities that integrate food security, nutrition, and sustainable management of wild fisheries.
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (22)
Adaptive Management
- Adaptive Programming (15)
- Adaptive Rigour (2)
- Agile & Lean approaches (14)
- Capacity WORKS (3)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (19)
- Design Thinking / HCD (25)
- Doing Development Differently (12)
- Global Delivery Initiative (3)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (8)
- Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (2)
- Other Adaptive approaches (6)
- Other sectors (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (14)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (10)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (2)
- Results Based Management (10)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (37)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (37)
- Cases (87)
- Courses (5)
Development Actors Perspectives
- Canada - GAC & IDRC (6)
- DCED - Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (4)
- DFAT (Australia) (9)
- EU (1)
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (26)
- G7 (1)
- GIZ (Germany) (6)
- Hivos - Netherlands (1)
- ILO (1)
- Irish Aid (1)
- New Zealand (1)
- NGO Perspectives (11)
- OECD/DAC - Results Based Management (10)
- Private Donors (OSF, Hewlett...) (1)
- SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (13)
- SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (4)
- USAID (11)
- World Bank (11)
- Central Africa (1)
Eastern Africa
- Ethiopia (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Mozambique (2)
- Rwanda (1)
- Somalia (2)
- Somaliland (1)
- South Sudan (1)
- Tanzania (2)
- Uganda (2)
- Zimbabwe (1)
West Africa
- Liberia (2)
- Niger (1)
- Nigeria (27)
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North America
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North America
Eastern Asia
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South-eastern Asia
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Eastern Asia
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Western Europe
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Northern Europe
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MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Action Inquiry/Collective Leadership (2)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (2)
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- Causal Mechanisms (2)
- Contribution Analysis (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (1)
- Democratic Evaluation (1)
- Desk based research/lit review (1)
- Developmental Evaluation (7)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (1)
- Evaluability assessment (1)
- Evaluating Multi-project programmes (3)
- Ex-post Evaluation (1)
- Focus Group Discussions (1)
- Impact evaluation (4)
- Impact Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation System (1)
- Indicator-based approaches (3)
- Innovation System Analysis (3)
- Knowledge Management (2)
- Logical Framework (2)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (3)
- MEL in International Development (4)
- Most Significant Change (2)
- Narrative Based Approaches (1)
- Network Analysis (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (7)
- Outcome Mapping (9)
- Participatory Action Research (3)
- Participatory Evaluation (5)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (3)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (1)
- Peers/Peer-Group Review (1)
- Political Economy Analysis (9)
- Political Settlements Analysis (1)
- Portfolio Management (6)
- Public Management Theory (1)
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (4)
- Qualitative data analysis and grounded theory (1)
- Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (2)
- Quality Improvement (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (2)
- Realist Evaluation (2)
- Scenario Planning (3)
- SenseMaker (3)
- Social Return on Investment (1)
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- Stakeholder Feedback (2)
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- Systemic Change (5)
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- TOC (Theory of Change) (24)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (2)
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- Value for Money (4)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (17)
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Sectors [+]
- Advocacy and Activism (4)
- Alternative Development (30)
- Behavioural Change (3)
- Citizen Engagement (12)
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- Combatting violent extremism (3)
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- Social Accountability (56)
- Technology (in Development) (11)
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