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In the first of a two-part blog piece, Ben Ramalingam, affiliate of the Overseas Development Institute / Institute of Development Studies, discusses the challenges of implementing innovation in to the development sector - from keeping expectations realistic to managing the innovation process and assessing impact and value.
Bringing new policy tools and techniques to the UK Government
New insights, opinions and perspectives on market systems development, from experts and practitioners.
This article, written by Emotional Intelligence Coach Andy Smith, describes the anticipatory principle which is one of the underpinnings of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). It argues that it is easier and more effective to move towards a positive imagined future than away from a negative one. It is principle number 4 in a series of principles outlined. More principle are listed below.
Systems modeling is a tool for policymakers and program managers to capture all the direct and indirect effects of changes to a supply chain, identify sustainable solutions to the root causes of issues and save time, effort and resources in costly trial and error. Without systems modeling, evaluating the supply chain, identifying gaps, and implementing solutions can be insufficient, unsustainable and costly. Stock2 Vaccine supply chains are complex systems, comprising all the equipment,...
Outcome Harvesting collects (“harvests”) evidence of what has changed (“outcomes”) and, then, working backwards, determines whether and how an intervention has contributed to these changes. Outcome Harvesting has proven to be especially useful in complex situations when it is not possible to define concretely most of what an intervention aims to achieve, or even, what specific actions will be taken over a multi-year period.
Posts about Robert Chambers written by idsppsc
Learning, Adaptation & Change: what Making All Voices Count has learned since September 2013 and how the programme will adapt and change in the future.
Agile, is it just a delivery mechanism?Carignan, L.-P. - 2014, August 27 - Scrum.Org Community Blog
As a Agile coach, I refer to a few tools to help me think about where my Scrum teams should go next on their path to Agility. One of these tools is the Agile subway map, a list of Agile practices grouped in different categories. It helps me think how a specific practice could help …
MAVC's Duncan Edwards reflects on the first in a series of thematic discussions led by the Institute of Development Studies. The second of two posts.
Part of a sequenced learning process for MAVC's Research and Evidence Component, the summary of a thematic discussion led by researcher Evangelia Berdou.
Part of a sequenced learning process for MAVC's Research and Evidence Component, the summary of a thematic discussion led by researcher Rosemary McGee.
An outline of Making All Voices Count's Research & Evidence component led by the Institute of Development Studies.
Collaborative Outcomes Reporting (COR) is a participatory approach to impact evaluation based around a performance story that presents evidence of how a program has contributed to outcomes and impacts, that is then reviewed by both technical experts and program stakeholders, which may include community members. Collaborative Outcomes Reporting (COR) is a participatory approach to impact evaluation based around a performance story that presents evidence of how a program has contributed to...
As my inaugural post on my new blog, I thought I would re-post a short piece I wrote earlier this year about foreign aid (original here). Thomas Carothers and Diane de Garamont address this issue i…
Staff blogs from the UK Department for International Development. Get real-life perspectives from those on the ground to fight poverty and join in the debate.
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Other sectors
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Eastern Africa
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South America
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MEL4 Adaptive Management
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Sectors [+]
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