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We created this MEL system for you, now please own it! | From Poverty to Power

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We created this MEL system for you, now please own it! | From Poverty to Power
External consultants, learning partners or critical friends -whatever we call them- can seldom change the system or organisational (learning) culture from outside. So, how can Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) consultants support real change instead of creating tools or processes that are quickly forgotten without any real institutional ownership? Consultants and learning partners can seldom change a learning system or organisational culture – it just does not work like that. What they can do is interrogate existing practices, introduce new ideas, and support change processes already underway to ensure lasting, transformative impact. They are a multiplier for homegrown change initiatives, not a substitute. Don’t hire MEL consultants to sell you tools or tell you what to do. Hire them because you need a critical friend along the path of organisational change. Own, then learn – not the other way round.
14/12/2023, 21:36
Pasanen, T., & Yanguas, P. (2021, July 14). We created this MEL system for you, now please own it! | From Poverty to Power.