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Today's marketplace is fueled by knowledge. Yet organizing systematically to leverage knowledge remains a challenge. Leading companies have discovered that technology is not enough, and that cultivating communities of practice is the keystone of an effective knowledge strategy.Communities of practice come together around common interests and expertise- whether they consist of first-line managers or customer service representatives, neurosurgeons or software programmers, city managers or...
Do you ever stand back and try to see the big picture, the view from 50,000 feet of what's going on in organizations, communities, the world? From up there, how would you describe these times? Is it a time of increasing economic and political instability, of growing divisiveness and fear, of failing systems and dying dreams? Is it a time of new possibilities, of great examples of hope, of positive human evolution, of transformation? Are we succeeding in solving major problems, are we...
Habitat conservation plans (HCPs) allow incidental take of threatened or endangered species in exchange for conservation measures that minimize and mitigate such taking. Habitat conservation plans entail a compromise between regulatory certainty and scientific uncertainty. This compromise is controversial because many HCPs are thought to inadequately address scientific uncertainty. Adaptive management is the systematic acquisition and application of reliable information to improve natural...
Yogi Berra was right when he remarked, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” When we collectively apply our hopes and energies to improving our communities, how do we know if we’re making the right choices along the way? How will we notice when we are spinning our wheels and what changes to make? How will we know that we are making a difference? And how will we know what success looks like to everyone in the group? By taking a community-based public health...
Evaluation is a key tool in improving the quality and effectiveness of development co-operation. The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Working Party in Aid Evaluation is the only international forum where bilateral and multilateral evaluation experts meet regularly. Its Members meet to improve evaluation practice and to learn lessons from development co-operation activities and experiences. A series "Evaluation and Aid Effectiveness" was launched to share selected pieces of work with a...
When Barbara Waugh joined the Hewlett-Packard Corporation in the mid-80's, this 60's radical encountered a company with a benign but topdown leadership. As she progressed from recruiting manager to world change manager, she used a set of radical tools to transform its corporate culture and to help realize the true potential of The HP Way.
When the business landscape was simple, companies could afford to have complex strategies. But now that business is so complex, they need to simplify. Smart companies have done just that with a new approach: a few straightforward, hard-and-fast rules that define direction without confining it.
"Outcome Mapping provides not only a guide to essential evaluation map-making, but also a guide to learning and increased effectiveness, and affirmation that being attentive along the journey is as important as, and critical to, arriving at a destination." - Michael Quinn PattonMore and more, development organizations are under pressure to demonstrate that their programs result in significant and lasting changes in the well-being of their intended beneficiaries. However, such "impacts" are...
Examined the psychometric properties of a set of preliteracy measures modified from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) with a sample of 75 kindergarten students. The modified battery (called DIBELS—M) includes measures of Letter Naming Fluency, Sound Naming Fluency, Initial Phoneme Ability, and Phonemic Segmentation Ability. These measures were assessed through repeated administrations in 2-wk intervals at the end of the kindergarten year. Results indicate...
The changing culture of public administration involves accountability for results and outcomes. This article suggests that performance measurement can address such attribution questions. Contribution analysis has a major role to play in helping managers, researchers, and policymakers to arrive at conclusions about the contribution their program has made to particular outcomes. The article describes the steps necessary to produce a credible contribution story. Contents Accountability for...
Jerry Sternin’s job was to help save starving children in Vietnam. Faced with an impossible time frame, he adopted a radical approach to making change. His idea: Real change begins from the inside.
This book is the first in a three-part series, about the common patterns that emerged from the poor people's experiences in many different places. Chapter 1 sets out the conceptual framework and methodology. Chapter 2 discusses poverty from the perspective of the poor. Chapter 3 examines poor people's experience with the state, and includes case studies of access to health care and education. Chapter 4 addresses the nature and quality of poor people's interactions with civil society. Chapter...
In today's turbulent e-business world, software project teams that survive and thrive won't be those that continue their traditions of optimization, efficiency, and control, but those that exhibit adaptability, speed, and collaboration. Adaptive Software Development is targeted at software teams where competition creates extreme pressure on the delivery process. Four goals of the book are * to support an adaptive culture in which change and uncertainty are assumed to be the natural state ...
Indigenous groups offer alternative knowledge and perspectives based on their own locally developed practices of resource use. We surveyed the international literature to focus on the role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in monitoring, responding to, and managing ecosystem processes and functions, with special attention to ecological resilience. Case studies revealed that there exists a diversity of local or traditional practices for ecosystem management. These include multiple species...
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (20)
- Adaptive Management (6)
- Agile & Lean approaches (11)
- Design Thinking / HCD (11)
- Other Adaptive approaches (1)
- Other sectors (8)
- Participation (1)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (1)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (8)
- Results Based Management (1)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (16)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (1)
- Cases (2)
- Development Actors Perspectives (8)
Eastern Asia
- China (1)
Eastern Asia
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- After Action Reviews (1)
- Appreciative Inquiry (1)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (1)
- Case Study (2)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (2)
- Contribution Analysis (2)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (2)
- Democratic Evaluation (1)
- Developmental Evaluation (2)
- Empowerment Evaluation (3)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (1)
- Horizontal Evaluation (1)
- Indicator-based approaches (3)
- Innovation History (1)
- Institutional Histories (1)
- Knowledge Management (1)
- Logical Framework (3)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (2)
- MEL in International Development (1)
- Most Significant Change (3)
- Outcome Mapping (10)
- Participatory Action Research (1)
- Participatory Evaluation (4)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (4)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (3)
- Positive Deviance (2)
- Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (2)
- Realist Evaluation (1)
- Rubrics (1)
- Rules of Thumb (1)
- Scenario Planning (1)
- Sense-making (2)
- Success Case Method (1)
- Systems Mapping (1)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (1)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (10)
- Tools (1)
Sectors [+]
- Alternative Development (14)
- Behavioural Change (1)
- Citizen Engagement (14)
- Environmental Management (8)
- Governance and Accountability (7)
- Health (1)
- Innovation (in Development) (4)
- Knowledge to Practice (4)
- NGOs (2)
- Organizational Change (2)
- Social Accountability (6)
Technology (in Development)
- Appropriate Tech (1)
Resource type
- Blog Post (1)
- Book (47)
- Book Section (10)
- Conference Paper (4)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
- Journal Article (54)
- Magazine Article (8)
- Report (56)
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- Web Page (2)