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In this sequel to "Rural Development: Putting the last first" Robert Chambers argues that central issues in development have been overlooked, and that many past errors have flowed from domination by those with power.Development professionals now need new approaches and methods forinteracting, learning and knowing. Through analyzing experience - of past mistakes and myths, and of the continuing methodological revolution of PRA (participatory rural appraisal) - the author points towards...
Don Michael says that, yes, the world can meet future social and organizational challenges - but only if we learn to plan in order-- to live uncertainty-- to learn from mistakes, actually embrace error-- to do goal setting that is future-responsive-- to lower barriers by spanning boundaries-- to improve personal interaction-- to overcome resistance to learning and change.This book treats planning as the way for persons, organizations, and societies to learn their way into the future. It...
Proponents of the scientific adaptive management approach argue that it increases knowledge acquisition rates, enhances information flow among policy actors, and provides opportunities for creating shared understandings. However, evidence from efforts to implement the approach in New Brunswick, British Columbia, Canada, and the Columbia River Basin indicates that these promises have not been met. The data show that scientific adaptive management relies excessively on the use of linear...
This volume uses a series of case studies to test an emerging theory of complex adaptive systems that forms the basis for explaining the interrelated dynamics of ecosystems, institutions and society. It deals equally with institutional organization and ecosystem structure.
The few cases of rapid economic growth in the Third World in the last 30 years have occurred in democratic, quasi‐democratic and non‐democratic polities. They are thus clearly not a function of common regime type. I suggest that they are best explained by the special character of their states, understood ‘as developmental states’. This article outlines some common characteristics of these states. However the forms and features of these states are not simply a function of their administrative...
PRA five years later: where are we now?
How have Japanese companies become world leaders in the automotive and electronics industries, among others? What is the secret of their success? Two leading Japanese business experts, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi, are the first to tie the success of Japanese companies to their ability to create new knowledge and use it to produce successful products and technologies. In The Knowledge-Creating Company, Nonaka and Takeuchi provide an inside look at how Japanese companies go about...
Development, it is generally assumed, is good and necessary, and in its name the West has intervened, implementing all manner of projects in the impoverished regions of the world. When these projects fail, as they do with astonishing regularity, they nonetheless produce a host of regular and unacknowledged effects, including the expansion of bureaucratic state power and the translation of the political realities of poverty and powerlessness into "technical" problems awaiting solution by...
"Put together one of the world's best science writers with one of the universe's most fascinating subjects and you are bound to produce a wonderful book. . . . The subject of complexity is vital and controversial. This book is important and beautifully done."—Stephen Jay Gould"[Complexity] is that curious mix of complication and organization that we find throughout the natural and human worlds: the workings of a cell, the structure of the brain, the behavior of the stock market, the shifts...
In a rented convent in Santa Fe, a revolution has been brewing. The activists are not anarchists, but rather Nobel Laureates in physics and economics such as Murray Gell-Mann and Kenneth Arrow, and pony-tailed graduate students, mathematicians, and computer scientists down from Los Alamos. They've formed an iconoclastic think tank called the Santa Fe Institute, and their radical idea is to create a new science called complexity. These mavericks from academe share a deep impatience with the...
Beyond high philosophy and grand themes lie the gritty details of practice.
An after-action review (AAR) is a professional discussion of an event, focused on performance standards, that enables soldiers to discover for themselves what happened, why it happened, and how to sustain strengths and improve on weaknesses. It is a tool leaders and units can use to get maximum benefit from every mission or task. It provides- • Candid insights into specific soldier, leader, and unit strengths and weaknesses from various perspectives. • Feedback and insight critical to...
In this original and far-reaching synthesis, Kai N. Lee explains that together science and politics can lead the waytoward the sustainable management of the world’s resources. Rigorous science can act as our compass, pointingus toward greater and more useful knowledge (adaptive management), and practical politics can serve as our gyroscope, keeping usbalanced between competing interest groups. Unlike some approaches to sustainable development, Compass and Gyroscope is refreshingly...
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (15)
- Adaptive Management (11)
- Agile & Lean approaches (14)
- Design Thinking / HCD (5)
Other sectors
- Environmental (4)
- Logistics & Product Development (8)
- Military (2)
- Organizational Management (1)
- Philosophical roots (2)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (1)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (1)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (12)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (1)
- Cases (2)
Southern Africa
- Lesotho (1)
Southern Africa
Eastern Asia
- China (1)
South-eastern Asia
- Malaysia (1)
Eastern Asia
- Papua New Guinea (1)
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- After Action Reviews (2)
- Appreciative Inquiry (1)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (2)
- Case Study (2)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (1)
- Logical Framework (2)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (1)
- Participatory Action Research (1)
- Participatory Evaluation (4)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (1)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (2)
- Rigour (1)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (1)
- Sectors [+] (33)
Resource type
- Artwork (1)
- Book (34)
- Book Section (6)
- Conference Paper (3)
- Journal Article (32)
- Report (14)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1940 and 1949
- 1948 (1)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (4)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (6)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (10)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (21)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (48)
Between 1940 and 1949