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Theory of Constraints walks you through the crucial stages of a continuous program: the five steps of focusing; the process of change; how to prove effect-cause-effect; and how to invent simple solutions to complex problems. Equally important, the author reveals the devastating impact that an organization's psychology can have on the process of improvements. Theory of Constraints is a crucial document for understanding what it takes to achieve manufacturing breakthroughs.
Lee, K. N. 1999. Appraising adaptive management. Conservation Ecology 3(2): 3.
The U.S. Army has adopted the After Action Review AAR as its primary method of providing feedback after unit collective training exercises. The AAR is an interactive discussion in which unit members decide what happened, why it happened, and how to improve or sustain collective performance in future exercises. other services and organizations outside the military are also beginning to employ the AAR as a feedback tool. This report describes the twenty-five year history of AAR research and...
An optimistic assessment of the prospects for a new international order - acting as a counter-blast to global pessimism. The text explains how the international system operates, the pressures it faces and the changes it must undergo, and offers concrete ideas to re-frame international relations, foreign aid and humanitarian intervention, without using jargon or simplistic judgements.
Recent advances in the study of complexity have given scientists profound new insights into how natural innovation occurs and how its power can be exploited. Now two pioneers in the field, Robert Axelrod and Michael D. Cohen, provide leaders in business and government with a guide to complexity that will help them make effective decisions in a world of rapid change. Building on evolutionary biology, computer science, and social design, Axelrod and Cohen have constructed a unique framework...
This paper, authored by Edith D. Balbach for California Department of Health Services is designed to allow evaluators to decide weather to use a case study evaluation approach. It also offers guidance on how to conduct a case study evaluation. Contents Using a Case Study as an Evaluation Tool 3 When to Use a Case Study 4 How to Do a Case Study 6 Unit Selection 6 Data Collection 7 Data Analysis and Interpretation 12
"This paper will first provide a descriptive overview of the beneficiary assessment (BA) work done on World Bank projects (by region, sector, phase of cycle, and so forth); it will then discuss impact, both qualitatively (with case studies) and quantitatively; and finally it will propose a course that, if taken, could lead to a Bank that truly listens and is attuned as much to the perspectives of the governments and peoples it serves as to the financial markets it helps sustain." "BAs use...
Participatory and other approaches to technology development have shared a recent preoccupation with specific methods and doubts about just how much can be expected of the methods themselves, as opposed to how they are applied, by whom, and in what circumstances. Detailed analysis of historical cases suggests that the development of both technologies and methodologies is highly dependent on local context. Such processes are characterized by conflicts over the direction of change and affected...
Development organisations need to know how effective their efforts have been. But who should make these judgements, and on what basis? Usually it is outside experts who take charge. Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) is a different approach which involves local people, development agencies, and policy makers deciding together how progress should be measured, and results acted upon. It can reveal valuable lessons and improve accountability. However, it is a challenging process for...
Process" approaches to economic and social development appear to be more flexible and offer greater prospects of success than traditional "project" methods. Development as Process addresses the questions raised by the different natures of the two approaches. The authors examine development projects through experience in water resources development in India and in organizational learning by a Bangladeshi NGO. Inter-agency contexts are examined in the setting of an aquaculture project in...
It is generally recognized that life is becoming more complex. This article analyzes the human social environment using the "complexity profile," a mathematical tool for characterizing the collective behavior of a system. The analysis is used to justify the qualitative observation that complexity of existence has increased and is increasing. The increase in complexity is directly related to sweeping changes in the structure and dynamics of human civilization—the increasing interdependence of...
More and more companies struggle with growing competition by introducing improvements into every aspect of performance. But the treadmill keeps moving faster, the companies keep working harder, and results improve slowly or not at all. The problem here is not the improvement programs. The problem is that the whole burden of change typically rests on so few people. Companies achieve real agility only when every function and process--when every person--is able and eager to rise to every...
If development means good change, questions arise about what is good, and what sorts of change matter. Answers can be personally defined and redefined. The changing words, meanings and concepts of development discourse both reflect and influence what is done. The realities of the powerful tend to dominate. Drawing on experience with participatory approaches and methods which enable poor and marginalized people to express their realities, responsible well-being is proposed as a central...
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (15)
- Adaptive Management (11)
- Agile & Lean approaches (14)
- Design Thinking / HCD (5)
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- Logistics & Product Development (8)
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- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (1)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (12)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (1)
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Southern Africa
Eastern Asia
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South-eastern Asia
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Eastern Asia
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MEL4 Adaptive Management
- After Action Reviews (2)
- Appreciative Inquiry (1)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (2)
- Case Study (2)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (1)
- Logical Framework (2)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (1)
- Participatory Action Research (1)
- Participatory Evaluation (4)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (1)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (2)
- Rigour (1)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (1)
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- Book (34)
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- Journal Article (32)
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Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1940 and 1949
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- Between 1960 and 1969 (6)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (10)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (21)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (48)
Between 1940 and 1949