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Results 193 resources
Essential points for practitioners and donors • Mediation offers a cost-effective and proven method for resolving armed conflict. Between 1985 and 2015, 75 per cent of armed conflicts in the world were resolved through agreement rather than by force. In most cases these processes will have involved third party facilitation or support. • Professional mediators understand the high stakes involved in their work to prevent, mitigate and resolve armed conflict. In addition, they and their...
This paper presents an analysis of evidence from seven case studies of results-based management by development co-operation providers. Analysis of themes from the case studies reveal six interrelated challenges which providers face in their efforts to manage for the results of development co-operation. The six challenges are: linking results to development goals, ensuring the purpose of results systems is well-defined, weighing up the benefits of aggregating and attributing results from...
Over the last two decades aid agencies and academics have been on a journey of lesson learning and adaptation in relation to `politics.’ This journey has been driven by a determination to improve impact in all areas of development, but for some time it was particularly associated with work on public sector reform. Now, however, there is an increasing expectation that Political Economy Analysis (PEA) should be part and parcel of designing and implementing any programme or activity (and a...
The Program Cycle is USAID’s operational model for planning, delivering, assessing, and adapting development programming in a given region or country to advance U.S. foreign policy. It encompasses guidance and procedures for: 1) Making strategic decisions at the regional or country level about programmatic areas of focus and associated resources; 2) Designing projects and supportive activities to implement strategic plans; and 3) Learning from performance monitoring, evaluations, and other...
Using a database of World Bank project evaluations, E3/FAB’s new study called “Integrating Livelihood and Conservation Goals: A Retrospective Analysis of World Bank Projects” aims to contribute to building the evidence base around the integration of biodiversity conservation and livelihood goals.
Smart Rules provide the operating framework for the Department for International Development’s (DFID’s) programmes.
Development Actors Perspectives
- AFD (Agence Française de Développement) (1)
- Canada - GAC & IDRC (6)
- DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency (2)
- DCED - Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (6)
- Develpment Industry - Private Companies and ThinkTanks (8)
- DFAT (Australia) (9)
- EU (1)
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (40)
- G7 (1)
- GIZ (Germany) (14)
- Hivos - Netherlands (2)
- ILO (1)
- Irish Aid (2)
- KOICA (Korea's International Co-operation Agency) (1)
- New Zealand (1)
- NGO Perspectives (29)
- OECD/DAC - Results Based Management (13)
- Private Donors (OSF, Hewlett...) (6)
- SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (18)
- SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (5)
- UNDP, UN Global Pulse, UN... (6)
- USAID (28)
- World Bank (11)
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (8)
- Adaptive Management (63)
- Adaptive Rigour (1)
- Agile & Lean approaches (5)
- Capacity WORKS (3)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (6)
- Doing Development Differently (2)
- Global Delivery Initiative (2)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (7)
- Other Adaptive approaches (5)
Other sectors
- Government (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (2)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (4)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (1)
- Results Based Management (11)
- Systemcraft (1)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (12)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (4)
- Cases (35)
- Courses (3)
- Central Africa (2)
Eastern Africa
- Ethiopia (1)
- Kenya (2)
- Malawi (1)
- Mozambique (3)
- Rwanda (1)
- Somalia (2)
- Somaliland (1)
- Tanzania (2)
- Uganda (1)
- Zimbabwe (1)
Northern Africa
- Egypt (1)
West Africa
- Benim (1)
- Niger (3)
- Nigeria (5)
- Senegal (1)
- Sierra Leone (3)
Central America
- Ecuador (2)
- El Salvador (1)
- Guatemala (1)
- Mexico (3)
North America
- Canada (1)
- South America (3)
Central America
- South-eastern Asia (5)
Southern Asia
- Bangladesh (4)
- Nepal (2)
- Pakistan (2)
Western Asia
- Israel (1)
- State of Palestine (1)
- Syrian Arab Republic (1)
Northern Europe
- United Kingdom (1)
Western Europe
- Germany (3)
- Netherlands (1)
- Switzerland (1)
Northern Europe
- Many geographies (1)
- Oceania (1)
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- After Action Reviews (3)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (4)
- Capacity Development (1)
- Context Monitoring (2)
- Critical Friends (1)
- Desk based research/lit review (1)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (1)
- Ex-post Evaluation (1)
- Feedback Systems (2)
- Impact evaluation (3)
- Impact Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation System (2)
- Innovation System Analysis (1)
- Institutional Histories (1)
- Knowledge Management (1)
- Logical Framework (2)
- MEL in International Development (8)
- Most Significant Change (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (1)
- Outcome Mapping (2)
- Participatory Action Research (2)
- Participatory Evaluation (2)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (2)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (1)
- Peers/Peer-Group Review (2)
- Portfolio Management (3)
- Positive Deviance (3)
- Rigour (2)
- Rubrics (2)
- Sense-making (2)
- Strategy testing (2)
- Systemic Change (8)
- Systems Mapping (1)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (4)
- Value for Money (2)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (3)
- Tools (6)
Sectors [+]
- Agriculture (2)
- Alternative Development (5)
- Children (3)
- Citizen Engagement (1)
- Climate Change (1)
- Economic development (6)
- Environmental Management (4)
- Fragile and Conflict Aflicted Settings (5)
- Gender (4)
- Governance and Accountability (13)
- Humanitarian Aid (4)
Innovation (in Development)
- Funding (1)
- Institutional Capacity & Change (4)
- Institutional Reform (1)
- Judicial systems (1)
- Knowledge to Practice (2)
- Locally driven development (9)
- NGOs (7)
- Organizational Change (4)
- Peace Building (1)
- Philanthropy (3)
- Scaling up / Propagating (2)
- Social Accountability (6)
- Technology (in Development) (3)