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Adaptive management – the idea that development projects should respond to real life complexities and be flexible enough to respond to unforeseen changes – is an often-praised approach to doing development differently, with donors and partners exploring how to apply it within their programming.
While agile approaches can be extremely effective at a project level, they can impose significant complexity and a need for adaptiveness at the project portfolio level. While this has proven to be highly problematic, there is little research on how to manage a set of agile projects at the project portfolio level. What limited research that does exist often assumes that portfolio-level agility can be achieved by simply scaling project level agile approaches such as Scrum. This study uses a...
This guide is intended for: people planning communications activity on behalf of agile teams people doing the communications activity (especially blogging, presenting, or filmmaking) people who manage the people described above, who want to understand what they're doing and why The government service standard encourages teams to work in the open as much as possible, echoing item 10 in the government design principles, “make things open, it makes them better”. This guide was written to help teams do just that.
Executives need to be a cross between Spider-Man and Simone Biles
Tell me if this sounds familiar: Well-thought-out strategies change seemingly every other quarter. 9-month projects that take two years to complete. Disgruntled managers talking about “low velocity”, “lack of ‘can do’ culture”. Skeptical employees talking about lack of vision, bad planning, politics. Spending lots of time on planning, replanning, scope-downs Disappointing launches that customers generally […]
Most product ideas deliver no benefits. In this article I show a real-world prioritization example using ICE and the Confidence Meter
The Principles for Digital Development serve as a compass for those working to promote sustainable and inclusive development in today’s complex digital landscape. Using these Principles as a starting point, policymakers, practitioners, and technologists will be better equipped to ensure that all people can benefit from digital initiatives and from the broader digital society. Originally developed in 2014, the Principles are officially endorsed by more than 300 organizations, including...
Knowledge-intensive companies that adopt Agile Software Development (ASD) relay on efficient implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) strategies to promotes different Knowledge Processes (KPs) to gain competitive advantage. This study aims to
Our experience and research demonstrate that successful agile organizations consistently exhibit the five trademarks described in this article. The trademarks include a network of teams within a people-centered culture that operates in rapid learning and fast decision cycles which are enabled by technology, and a common purpose that co-creates value for all stakeholders. These trademarks complement the findings from The McKinsey Global Survey Results: How to create an agile organization.
Development projects don’t always work as planned. This has long been acknowledged by those in the sector, and has led to several approaches that seek to solve complex development problems through enabling and encouraging greater adaptiveness and learning within projects (e.g. Doing Development Differently and Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation). Digital development projects experience many of these issues. Using technology for transparency and accountability (Tech4T&A) projects in Kenya as...
Eighteen practices for organizational agility The survey asked respondents about a series of specific actions that underlie each of the 18 practices (9 of them stable, and 9 dynamic) of organizational agility; all of the practices are summarized in the table below. To rate respondents’ organizations, we asked how frequently their performance units engaged in each action that supports a given practice.
The End of Assembly Line ManagementWe’re in the midst of a revolution. Quantum leaps in technology are enabling organizations to observe and measure people’s behavior in real time, communicate internally at extraordinary speed, and innovate continuously. These new, software-driven technologies are transforming the way companies interact with their customers, employees, and other stakeholders.This is no mere tech issue. The transformation requires a complete rethinking of the way we organize...
As companies evolve to adopt, integrate and leverage software as the defining element of their success in the 21st century, a rash of processes and methodologies are vying for their product teams' attention. In the worst of cases, each discipline on these teams -- product management, design and software engineering -- learn a different model. This short, tactical book reconciles the perceived differences in Lean Startup, Design Thinking and Agile software development by focusing not on...
Suitable agile metrics reflect either a team’s progress in becoming agile or your organization’s progress in becoming a learning organization.
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Agile & Lean approaches
- Adaptive Learning (1)
- Adaptive Management (9)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (2)
- Design Thinking / HCD (6)
- Doing Development Differently (1)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (1)
- Other sectors (2)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (1)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (1)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (2)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (2)
- Cases (1)
- Courses (1)
- Development Actors Perspectives (5)
Eastern Africa
- Ethiopia (1)
Southern Africa
- South Africa (1)
Eastern Africa
- Asia (1)
- MEL4 Adaptive Management (6)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (2)
- Tools (3)
Sectors [+]
- Agriculture (1)
- Alternative Development (1)
- Citizen Engagement (1)
- Fragile and Conflict Aflicted Settings (1)
- Governance and Accountability (1)
- Humanitarian Aid (2)
- Innovation (in Development) (2)
- Institutional Capacity & Change (1)
- NGOs (1)
- Organizational Change (3)
- Rural development (1)
- Scaling up / Propagating (1)
- Social Accountability (2)
- Technology (in Development) (4)
Resource type
- Blog Post (21)
- Book (16)
- Book Section (1)
- Conference Paper (7)
- Journal Article (15)
- Magazine Article (4)
- Report (25)
- Web Page (8)