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Supporting the policy environment for economic development (SPEED+) - Strategic Review Report

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Supporting the policy environment for economic development (SPEED+) - Strategic Review Report
Donor-funded policy reform has a long history in Mozambique, with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) efforts dating to the mid-1990s. Many laws and regulations adopted during the past quarter century are the consequence of these efforts. And yet, even with several years of robust economic growth, Mozambique has not experienced the broad economic transformation that policy reforms can trigger: per capita income in 2017 was $519 and more than 80 percent of the country lived on less than two dollars per day. The country ranks 180 out of 189 on the Human Development Index and 135 out of 180 on the World Bank’s Doing Business Index. Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development (SPEED+), a $37 million, four-year, USAID-funded program, represents the latest iteration of USAID’s policy reform efforts. SPEED+ began in August 2016 and is scheduled to run through August 2020. As the program passed the midway point, USAID commissioned Management Systems International (MSI) to conduct a strategic review (SR) of the SPEED+ program, with the objectives of advising on: • how to maximize the impact of SPEED+ during its final 18 months; • what type of follow-on program USAID should consider; and • what broader lessons can be drawn from SPEED+’s experience in Mozambique.
15/10/2020, 10:27
MSI. (2019). Supporting the policy environment for economic development (SPEED+) - Strategic Review Report. USAID.