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Thinking and Working Politically in the Land Sector in Mekong Region

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Thinking and Working Politically in the Land Sector in Mekong Region
In recent decades, the World Bank and many bilateral development partners have provided funding to support land administration reform. Traditional land administration reform projects focus on the economic and technical design of interventions based on a library of best practice, commonly avoiding the “messy politics” typically involved in land governance. Experience and lessons from land administration reform initiatives have been documented and a recurrent theme is that many projects fail to create effective, transformative change and gain the critical mass, and the community participation, necessary to ensure the sustainability of land administration reform. Over the last decade there have been concerted efforts to develop more politically informed ways of thinking and working using a range of methodologies referred to, variously, as Thinking and Working Politicallyi (TWP), Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) and Doing Development Differently (DDD). There is little evidence that these different approaches have been applied in the land sector.
Conference Name
FIG Congress 2022
Warsaw, Poland
Library Catalogue
Burns, T., Ingalls, M., & Rickersey, K. (2022, September 11). Thinking and Working Politically in the Land Sector in Mekong Region. FIG Congress 2022, Warsaw, Poland.