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Adaptiveness through ‘simplest tools and practices’

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Adaptiveness through ‘simplest tools and practices’
In recent years, more and more influential development organisations have been openly recognising the central role that adaptive management capacities – the ability to keep improving strategies and actions as programmes unfold – play for the success of complex interventions. As a result, there has been a rich exchange of ideas and experiences on how to promote adaptiveness in development. But development organisations and professionals are having a hard time translating the many adaptive theories and recommendations into improved practices and outcomes. They are generally failing to adjust the design and operation of programmes to accommodate incipient lessons learnt and the unexpected changes in the context. Nowadays, most programme adaptations still take the form of a change of direction once it is clear that things have gone really wrong. Why is so difficult to put what we know about adaptiveness into practice? And more importantly: what can be done to improve this situation?
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Institute of Development Studies
Prieto Martin, P. (2017, November 13). Adaptiveness through ‘simplest tools and practices.’ Institute of Development Studies.