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What can the Thinking and Working Politically community learn from peace and conflict mediation?

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What can the Thinking and Working Politically community learn from peace and conflict mediation?
Wily aid practitioners have long understood the importance of adapting their programs to the political environment, and even use their activities to push politics in a progressive direction. But this magic was spun secretly, hidden behind logframes and results frameworks. Only recently has a range of programs been permitted to escape the dead hand of technocracy. But there was one corner of the development and humanitarian world that never needed to shroud its political ambitions; those of us working on resolving violent conflicts. Donors have always understood our work could never be disembodied from politics. This field included elements of the UN, regional organisations, and NGOs, such as the one I work for: the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue. With a new focus on development being enabled by a series of ‘deals’ between different actors, it seems timely to examine the strategies used to reach peace agreements and whether they contain broader lessons for TWP/DDD/Adaptive Management.
Blog Title
From Poverty to Power
15/08/2023, 07:54
Douglas, A. (2018, July 14). What can the Thinking and Working Politically community learn from peace and conflict mediation? From Poverty to Power.