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Technological innovation and information & communication technologies (ICTs) are considered enabling factors for social and economic development, even in very poor parts of the world. However,...
Building on experience from the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems implemented by WorldFish in the Visayas and Mindanao regions of the Philippines, known as the VisMin Hub, we describe the development and evolution of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system emerging from the facilitated action-reflection cycles of testing and adopting theories of change carried out with community partners through participatory action research (PAR). The former guides our community...
The aim of participatory development (PD) in the context of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for development (ICT4D) is to empower underprivileged communities and disadvantaged segments of the stakeholders. The literature on ICT4D is replete with empirical evidence showing that ICT interventions often fail since they are often externally initiated, with very limited involvement from the affected (Heeks, 2002). Clearly, the principles and concepts of PD are relevant to...
Dave Algoso and Alan Hudson at Global Integrity compare and contrast 9 different initiatives that are all heading in roughly the right direction in aid reform
Last month, Henrik Kniberg posted slides from a talk he gave at Agile Sverige on something called Spotify Rhythm - "Spotify’s current approach to getting aligned as a company". While looking through the material, it struck me that what he was describing was a form of Strategy Deployment. This interpretation is based purely on those slides - I haven't had a chance yet to explore this more deeply with Henrik or anyone else from Spotify. I hope I will do some day, but given that caveat, here's...
Holding power to account requires understanding where power lies and how it is exercised. It entails understanding how decisions are made, who makes them and what decision criteria are used to make them. Vertically integrated civil society action takes into account how power is exercised and how decisions are made in a given policy, programme or process.
Accountability, the obligation of those in power to take responsibility for their actions, is a process involving relationships between different actors (in state and society) and mechanisms, and is influenced by many contextual factors. Using the lens of an accountability ‘ecosystem’ focuses our attention on the complexity of accountability processes. An ‘ecosystem’ perspective suggests that simple ideas about accountability – such as citizen feedback reaching decision-makers ensures more...
Around the world, people are asking how we can make democracy work in new and better ways. We are frustrated by political systems in which voting is the only legitimate political act, concerned that many republics don’t have the strength or appeal to withstand authoritarian figures, and disillusioned by the inability of many countries to address the fundamental challenges of health, education and economic development. If we want to create democracies in which citizens have meaningful...
The term ‘experiential learning’ is often mistakenly used to describe any learning experience that involves participatory activities. This paper presents an overview of what true experiential learning is and how this form of learning allows for real-world application - thus promoting lasting behavioural change. Furthermore, it explains how experiential learning was adopted as the methodological core of the Prospects psychosocial programme in Liberia, which builds ‘pre-employment skills’ in...
The Methods Lab develops and tests flexible approaches to impact evaluation for interventions that are harder to evaluate because of their complexity. This toolkit brings together analysis, guidance and templates for anyone: planning an impact evaluation designing a monitoring and evaluation system working in a consortium or managing a portfolio of projects
Lessons from policy in Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania
This is a 'Whole Earth Catalog' for the 21st century: an impressive and wide-ranging analysis of what's wrong with our societies, organizations, ideologies, worldviews and cultures - and how to put them right. The book covers the finance system, agriculture, design, ecology, economy, sustainability, organizations and society at large. In this remarkable book, Daniel Wahl explores ways in which we can reframe and understand the crises that we currently face, and he explores how we can live...
By Alan Hudson, Executive Director Corruption and how to tackle it is center-stage in London this week, with the spotlight brighter than ever as a result of the Panama Papers. This is welcome news. The Anti-Corruption Summit, hosted by the...
Key messages 1. Development policies and programs increasingly operate in situations of high complexity and uncertainty. 2. There are growing efforts across the sector to design, plan and implement more adaptive responses that are more relevant and appropriate in such contexts 3. At the heart of effective adaptive programming is the capability to gather, interpret and use knowledge, information and data in real-time 4. Strengthening this capability requires a positive enabling...
Over the last half century, repeated calls for adaptive learning in development suggests two things: many practitioners are working in complex situations that may benefit from flexible approaches, and such approaches can be difficult to apply in practice. • Complexity thinking can offer useful recommendations on how to take advantage of distributed capacities, joint interpretation of problems and learning through experimentation in complex development programmes. • However, these...
This paper tracks the efforts of an Asia Foundation team and local stakeholders as they worked to support improvements in the solid waste management sector in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The team worked in a flexible way with a range of partners, and with particular focus on understanding the incentives and politics affecting service delivery. While reform of the sector remains in progress, steps have been taken to introduce more competition and better public sector management of solid waste...
One way to make risk-taking more palatable for social change organizations is to run small, light, nimble experiments––tests not built to win wars, but rather to quickly infiltrate new territory, attack new problems, and inform future tactics.
This Biodiversity Technical Brief summarizes research on the roles communities do and should play in countering wildlife crime, motivations, and benefits for individuals and communities to engage in anti-poaching and anti-trafficking efforts, and risks and mitigation of risks associated with involvement. Peer-reviewed and grey literature, structured interviews, and case studies informed the research, with highlights from six case studies in Peru, Madagascar, Namibia, Philippines, Kenya, and Indonesia.
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (45)
Adaptive Management
- Adaptive Programming (19)
- Adaptive Rigour (4)
- Agile & Lean approaches (72)
- Capacity WORKS (6)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (28)
- Design Thinking / HCD (77)
- Doing Development Differently (26)
- Global Delivery Initiative (3)
- Implementation Research (5)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (9)
- Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (5)
- Other Adaptive approaches (20)
Other sectors
- Environmental (6)
- Military (6)
- Organizational Management (9)
- Philosophical roots (1)
- Software Development (70)
- Sport (1)
- Participation (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (24)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (16)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (8)
- Results Based Management (12)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (108)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (56)
- Cases (105)
- Courses (11)
Development Actors Perspectives
- Canada - GAC & IDRC (11)
- China (2)
- DCED - Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (10)
- DFAT (Australia) (14)
- EU (1)
- FCDO/DFID (UK) (30)
- G7 (1)
- GIZ (Germany) (11)
- Hivos - Netherlands (1)
- ILO (1)
- Irish Aid (3)
- New Zealand (1)
- NGO Perspectives (15)
- OECD/DAC - Results Based Management (12)
- Private Donors (OSF, Hewlett...) (1)
- SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (17)
- SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (4)
- USAID (17)
- World Bank (16)
- Central Africa (2)
Eastern Africa
- Ethiopia (1)
- Kenya (2)
- Malawi (1)
- Mozambique (2)
- Rwanda (1)
- Somalia (2)
- Somaliland (1)
- South Sudan (2)
- Tanzania (2)
- Uganda (2)
- Zimbabwe (1)
Southern Africa
- South Africa (1)
West Africa
- Ghana (1)
- Liberia (2)
- Niger (1)
- Nigeria (28)
- Sierra Leone (1)
Central America
- Costa Rica (1)
North America
- Canada (1)
- United States of America (4)
Central America
Eastern Asia
- China (7)
South-eastern Asia
- Cambodia (1)
- Indonesia (2)
- Myanmar (3)
- Philippines (1)
Southern Asia
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- Bangladesh (4)
- India (1)
- Nepal (3)
- Pakistan (2)
Eastern Asia
Northern Europe
- United Kingdom (1)
Western Europe
- Germany (2)
- Netherlands (1)
- Switzerland (1)
Northern Europe
- Australia and New Zealand (2)
- Melanesia (1)
MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Action Inquiry/Collective Leadership (3)
- After Action Reviews (1)
- Appreciative Inquiry (4)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (2)
- Case Study (4)
- Causal Mechanisms (3)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (2)
- Comparisons/Benchmarking (1)
- Contribution Analysis (2)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis (2)
- Cost-effectiveness analysis (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (3)
- Cross-sectional study (1)
- Data mining (1)
- Delphi Survey (1)
- Democratic Evaluation (1)
- Descriptive Statistics (1)
- Desk based research/lit review (2)
- Developmental Evaluation (11)
- Empowerment Evaluation (1)
- Ethnography / Rapid Ethnography (3)
- Evaluability assessment (5)
- Evaluating Multi-project programmes (5)
- Ex-post Evaluation (1)
- Feedback Systems (1)
- Focus Group Discussions (3)
- Impact evaluation (10)
- Impact Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation System (3)
- Indicator-based approaches (8)
- Innovation History (1)
- Innovation System Analysis (4)
- Institutional Histories (1)
- Knowledge Management (7)
- Logical Framework (9)
- Mapping Visualization Methods (8)
- MEL in International Development (7)
- Most Significant Change (2)
- Narrative Based Approaches (1)
- Network Analysis (2)
- Objectives and options analysis (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (10)
- Outcome Mapping (16)
- Participatory Action Research (7)
- Participatory Evaluation (9)
- Participatory Learning and Action - PLA (4)
- Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA, RRA (2)
- Peers/Peer-Group Review (2)
- Policy Scientific Approach (2)
- Political Economy Analysis (11)
- Political Settlements Analysis (1)
- Portfolio Management (9)
- Positive Deviance (3)
- Power Analysis (1)
- Principles-Focused Evaluation (1)
- Process Tracing (2)
- Public Management Theory (2)
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (7)
- Qualitative data analysis and grounded theory (2)
- Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (2)
- Quality Improvement (1)
- Randomized Controlled Trials (5)
- Realist Evaluation (5)
- Rigour (2)
- Rubrics (2)
- Rules of Thumb (1)
- Scenario Planning (5)
- SenseMaker (6)
- Social Media Metrics (1)
- Social Return on Investment (4)
- Stakeholder analysis (2)
- Stakeholder Feedback (3)
- Strategy testing (1)
- Success Case Method (3)
- Surveys (3)
- SWOT Analysis (1)
- Systemic Change (6)
- Systems Mapping (3)
- Theory-based evaluations (6)
- TOC (Theory of Change) (44)
- Trans-disciplinary Research (1)
- Utilisation focused evaluation (6)
- Value for Investment (3)
- Value for Money (5)
- Networks and Communities of Practice (37)
- Organizations (1)
- Tools (9)
Sectors [+]
- Advocacy and Activism (4)
- Alternative Development (75)
- Behavioural Change (7)
- Citizen Engagement (43)
- Climate Change (1)
- Combatting violent extremism (6)
- Economic development (9)
- Education (1)
- Environmental Management (19)
- Fragile and Conflict Aflicted Settings (8)
- Gender (2)
- Governance and Accountability (123)
- Health (7)
- Humanitarian Aid (3)
- Innovation (in Development) (36)
- Institutional Capacity & Change (10)
- Institutional Reform (2)
- Judicial systems (2)
- Knowledge to Practice (22)
- Locally driven development (12)
- NGOs (20)
- Organizational Change (4)
- Peace Building (10)
- Philanthropy (1)
- Rural development (1)
- Scaling up / Propagating (15)
- Social Accountability (118)
Technology (in Development)
- Appropriate Tech (1)
- Waste Management (1)
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Blog Post (153)
- Book (130)
- Book Section (41)
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