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What is the Poverty Stoplight? The Stoplight is a tool that seeks to activate the potential of families and communities to lift themselves out of poverty. Using a technology platform, it offers a self-assessment survey and intervention model that enables people to develop practical solutions to overcome their specific needs. We work with organizations from different sectors around the world and bring together a network of powerful actors with one clear mission: eliminate poverty...
As DFID aims to harness the Data Revolution, ensuring that data1 drive decision-making, public accountability, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that systems, processes, and skills for data are aligned with these objectives is paramount. Across sector policy teams, country offices, and various analytical and technical cadres, different strengths and weaknesses, as well as needs and ambitions exist. To inform a strategic approach to data, as framed in...
The Alliance for Peacebuilding developed the report Snapshot of Adaptive Management in Peacebuilding Programs with support from Humanity United. This report examines how existing organizational programs are designing and learning from adaptive management in a conflict effected and fragile states. It further provides practical recommendations for applying adaptive management to peacebuilding programs based on synthesis … Continue reading "Snapshot of Adaptive Management in Peacebuilding Programs"
In this provocation, the author attempts to cite the advantages of collective leadership while acknowledging the objections and fears of challengers. Collective leadership is seen as remote because it defies the traditional view of leadership as an individualistic attractive quality that not only protects us but is efficient when applied. Nevertheless, the collective alternative may not only be advisable but required in a connected world featuring a networked economy. The contemporary...
Our approach Understanding daily life reality with micro-narratives Narratives and more specifically micro-narratives are a fundamental and ancient way by which humans interpret their experience and make decisions. SenseMaker® provides the ability to capture and understand those narratives. Through the web or app environment the software allows the capture of pictures, recordings and writing in various combinations to reflect how the respondents are making sense of the world. Reducing...
Drawing on action research, this paper recasts evaluation as ‘action inquiry’, an embedded evaluative learning practice that can help navigate complexity when enacting collective leadership. It is offered as an invitation to inquiry amongst a reasonably well-informed audience of policy makers and practitioners who work in and for public services. It will particularly interest those who provide research, evaluation and facilitation support, and those seeking to develop a more relational...
Successfully adapting your programmatic efforts and policy engagement to the context depends on maintaining your understanding of that context. Given this, continuous learning and feedback loops--not only about your programming, but also about the environment you are working within--are important components of USAID’s work. Since our environments are always changing, in ways big and small, this can be intimidating. One can imagine a scenario where learning consumes the limited time and...
This website provides a variety of resources from Werner Ulrich's work in a range of philosophical and research areas with a particular focus on his own work in critical systems thinking and practice or, Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH).
This Discussion Note complements ADS 201 and outlines general principles and promising approaches for monitoring complex aspects of USAID development assistance. Complexity-aware monitoring is a type of complementary monitoring that is useful when results are difficult to predict due to dynamic contexts or unclear cause and-effect relationships. Key principles of the Program Cycle include applying analytic rigor, managing adaptively, and utilizing a range of approaches to achieve results....
Under the current results-driven development agenda, sound evaluation, and a corresponding evaluation toolkit, need to be in place to examine whether and to what extent development interventions have achieved their targeted objectives and results, and to generate lessons for further development learning and improvement. My review of the literature shows that innovative and appropriate evaluation approaches are needed to address key challenges in evaluation such as the tension between...
This case study describes a region-wide, multi-sectoral, and whole-of-community stakeholder engagement approach for addressing sea level rise (SLR) and flooding. This approach was implemented through a university-led community engagement event, the Hampton Roads Resilient Region Reality Check (H4RC), which allowed an examination of its effectiveness as a mechanism for capturing community-wide perceptions regarding SLR, flooding, and associated risks; engaging stakeholders in discussion...
This book offers guidance on the principles, methods, and practice of impact evaluation. It contains material for a range of audiences, from those who may use or manage impact evaluations to applied researchers.
<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The level of community is considered to be vital for building disaster resilience. Yet, community resilience as a scientific concept often remains vaguely defined and lacks the guiding characteristics necessary for analysing and enhancing resilience on the ground. The emBRACE framework of community resilience presented in this paper provides a heuristic analytical tool for understanding, explaining and measuring community resilience to natural hazards. It was...
In 2016, the Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) commissioned an internal stocktaking of USAID's mission-based MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning) Platforms.
Adaptive Approaches [+]
- Adaptive Learning (45)
Adaptive Management
- Adaptive Programming (19)
- Adaptive Rigour (4)
- Agile & Lean approaches (69)
- Capacity WORKS (6)
- CLA (Collaborating Learning Adapting) (28)
- Design Thinking / HCD (77)
- Doing Development Differently (26)
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- Implementation Research (5)
- MSD - Market Systems Development (9)
- Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (5)
- Other Adaptive approaches (20)
Other sectors
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- Organizational Management (9)
- Philosophical roots (1)
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- Participation (1)
- PDIA (Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation) (24)
- PEA (Political Economy Analysis) (16)
- Positive Deviance & 2 loops models (8)
- Results Based Management (12)
- Systems Thinking / Complexity (108)
- TWP (Thinking & Working Politically) (56)
- Cases (105)
- Courses (11)
Development Actors Perspectives
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Eastern Africa
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MEL4 Adaptive Management
- Action Inquiry/Collective Leadership (3)
- After Action Reviews (1)
- Appreciative Inquiry (4)
- Beneficiary Assessment/Engagement (2)
- Case Study (4)
- Causal Mechanisms (3)
- Circular charts applications (radar, pie, sunburst, spiderweb, orbic, etc) (2)
- Comparisons/Benchmarking (1)
- Contribution Analysis (2)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis (2)
- Cost-effectiveness analysis (1)
- Critical Systems Heuristics (3)
- Cross-sectional study (1)
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- Delphi Survey (1)
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- Objectives and options analysis (1)
- Outcome Harvesting (10)
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- Participatory Action Research (7)
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- Principles-Focused Evaluation (1)
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- Surveys (3)
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